As a farmer, keeping your crops healthy and successful is a top priority. One essential tool in ensuring your farm’s success is the row crop cultivator. Without proper maintenance, these machines can become a headache and fail to serve their purpose. We have provided tips to help you maintain your row crop cultivator and keep it running smoothly, so read on to learn more!

Regular Cleaning

One of the easiest ways to maintain your row crop cultivator is by keeping it clean. After every use, remove all debris and dirt from the equipment. This will prolong the life of your row crop cultivator and reduce the risk of corrosion. It’s essential to remove all the debris that got into the machine after every use to be sure the next run will be smooth. This is a small investment that can pay off in the long run.

Regular Oiling

Like any other machine with moving parts, your row crop cultivator also requires proper lubrication to function efficiently. You’ll want to consult the user manual and the manufacturer's recommendations to know which lubricant to use and how often to maintain your equipment.


Despite frequent maintenance, wear and tear is inevitable in any machine. That’s why it is crucial to carry out regular inspections and identify worn-out parts to avoid bigger problems. Regular inspection makes it easy to identify and replace damaged parts before they cause more extensive and costly repairs.

Proper Storage

Storing your row crop cultivator correctly goes a long way in extending its life. Store your equipment in a dry area, preferably indoors, to reduce the risk of corrosion. Moisture and exposure to the sun can damage the machine. Make sure to store the cultivator in an upright position to reduce wear and tear caused by heavy and uneven pressure on one side.

We hope that by following these tips, your row crop cultivator will last for years to come and deliver great results. If you’ve any questions or looking for row crop cultivators, be sure to stop by Rivera's Machinery, Inc. in Donna, TX. We proudly serve all those in Harlingen, McAllen, and San Benito.