Maintaining your lawn mower can be a daunting task, especially if you’re a first-time owner. However, proper upkeep will ensure that your lawn mower works smoothly for years to come. Maintenance involves more than just changing the oil; there’s a lot to be done to ensure that your mower is in the best condition to deliver the perfect cut. Here are our top tips to help you get started with lawn mower maintenance.

Keep It Clean

One of the simplest and most effective ways of ensuring your lawn mower runs efficiently is by keeping it clean. Remove the dirt, grass clippings, and debris from the engine, blades, and undercarriage after each use. Clogging can cause the mower to overheat and eventually stop working, so you don’t want to skip cleaning your machine.

Regularly Change the Air Filter and Oil

Replacing the oil and air filters is an essential part of lawn mower maintenance. Over time, debris and dirt affect the quality of airflow, which can damage the engine. Regular oil change (preferably once per season) is recommended as it ensures clean oil flows freely through the engine, thus preventing any internal damage. Always ensure that you use the recommended oil and filter type recommended by the manufacturer.

Check the Belts Regularly

The mower belts should be checked and adjusted to ensure that they are at the right tension. Belts that are too loose or too tight can cause the engine or other parts of the mower to break down. Inspect the belts often to ensure they remain tight and are not worn out. You’ll want to replace cracked or frayed belts immediately.

Sharpen the Blades

Dull mower blades can cause poor cuts, uneven mowing, and eventually damage other parts of your machine. To prevent this, examine the blades regularly and sharpen them when they become dull. You must replace the blades if they are damaged. In addition, ensure that the blades are balanced. Unbalanced blades cause excessive vibration that can lead to serious damage to the mower deck or engine, or even cause injuries.

If you need help with maintenance or are looking to buy a lawn mower, be sure to get in touch with us at Rivera's Machinery, Inc. in Donna, TX. We proudly serve all those in Harlingen, McAllen, and San Benito.